

I came across the Belgian design studio Unfold last week on the blog Musing About Mud. This is some crazy cool futuristic pottery! They are using 3D printers to extrude coils on a set path, creating some pretty amazing pieces.

While I love things that are handmade, there is also something really intriguing about this process, too.

Check out their work here and watch the 3D printer in action in the video below. (Photos by Kristof Vrancken.)

About ameliastudio

I’m Amy Harding, mother to three little girls. I was an editor for 10 years, and now I stay home with the kids, while also going back to school for graphic design and making/selling pots. Things and people I love: family, ceramics, coffee, “Mad Men,” Louis C.K., sewing, tiki drinks and classic cocktails, gardening, Lucie Rie, Eva Zeisel, the beach, mid-century modernism, the fantastic work of my Mr. H., Bill Murray, Iron & Wine, R.E.M., graphic patterns, peacock blue, peanut butter, architecture, Jonathan Franzen, Don DeLillo, A.S. Byatt, David Sedaris, magazines, design, Wes Anderson, books, salt+sweet …

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