new work

new work


My neglected blog doesn’t show much of my recent work. Here are some photos to remedy that!

If you want to stay up to date with me, Instagram and Facebook are the ways to go lately.

I’ll be taking all of this work to the Strawberry Swing in Kansas City on Sunday, August 3. I’ll also have some of the necklaces and ornaments that I have left from last winter’s show at the Kansas City Clay Guild.

I hope to see you there!
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Processed with VSCOcam with f2 preset




About ameliastudio

I’m Amy Harding, mother to three little girls. I was an editor for 10 years, and now I stay home with the kids, while also going back to school for graphic design and making/selling pots. Things and people I love: family, ceramics, coffee, “Mad Men,” Louis C.K., sewing, tiki drinks and classic cocktails, gardening, Lucie Rie, Eva Zeisel, the beach, mid-century modernism, the fantastic work of my Mr. H., Bill Murray, Iron & Wine, R.E.M., graphic patterns, peacock blue, peanut butter, architecture, Jonathan Franzen, Don DeLillo, A.S. Byatt, David Sedaris, magazines, design, Wes Anderson, books, salt+sweet …

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